and tonight much like most of 'sane minded' & 'anti war Pakistanis' i am also left questioning, that "who on earth ordered Pakistan Army to Operate in North Waziristan?"
Upon looking closely, there are answers available. US and much of its allies have been demanding an Operation in this tribal territory for long. Pakistan Army (not political leadership) had said that they will operate in NW, but upon the time of their own choosing. So is it time now?
I have to admit that; its a tricky line in Pakistan to differentiate between areas of political and military influence. Even though I didn't vote in last elections, but still i thought to myself all this time that the elected representatives were in charge. Without having any discussion in our parliament, national assembly, media or among legal fraternity, this is indeed very shocking to read about a military offensive stated by an "undisclosed source".
So is it, just another stunt by the incompetent leadership in Islamabad, who are facing a growing internal pressure for failing to deliver anything or even maintain law and order? Or is it a result of foreign pressure on our forces for having found Bin Laden in our backyard? Or perhaps on a bit wild note; is it even Pakistan starting this war operation?
Whatever the truth maybe, amid half a nation not owing this war, this is indeed a very dangerous maneuver and will bear consequences. I am not afraid of consequences, i am just failing to see the end of this blood bath. With such a small peep hole available to look into any matters concerning our tribal regions, and now with an almost diminished news network operating on ground; I am still inclined to believe that there might be elements in our Tribal region which need cleansing. And also that 'Now' might have been the right time to operate, but still who is in charge of things in this country?" is my only question.
I dislike hitting the bed with confusions, so with a bit of pondering, i have (strictly for myself) my own answers.
This entire AFPAK saga and war is not only unpopular in US now, but is also being resented in Pakistan widely. I foresee an Army spokesman appearing on our TV screens the day formal bombardment begins, telling all the gaaa gaaa gooo gooo geee geee. Before that, absolutely no military or political leadership has the courage to state the truth to the nation and people which it vowed to serve.
This way, by not taking the 18 million souls into consideration or confidence, the impression of our forces and lawmakers furthering foreign agendas within our boundaries, results in more mistrust and anxiety among masses.
If i could i would have stopped all wars, but for now i want my forces to watch this picture printed in today's newspaper.
These are bodies of Children killed in an Ariel Raid by NATO in Afghanistan. 52 died on this Saturday, 28th May 2011.
Dear Pakistan Army!
During all the "hee haw" of the battle, I beg you to please keep women, children and all innocent souls into consideration.