Thursday, March 17, 2011

Whatif Abdur Rehman Davis

The year 2011 kicked off with a new american addition to Pakistani jails. Reason for his arrest was cold blooded murder of two young men on the streets of Lahore in broad day light.

In an eager attempt by US consulate to get this American from the scene of crime, one more innocent life was claimed as the rescue vehicle panic-kingly maneuvered onto coming traffic.

Angry mob on the street made sure this US assassin lands right into the hands of law enforcement. Through questions raised by almost all media outlets, about the secret gun totting American, his identity and whether or not he was a diplomat; engulfed everyone in Pakistan. Not to mention it even did cost the, then Foreign minister his minister's hip for declaring that Raymond Davis was no a diplomat, which actually worsened any prospects of releasing him soon enough.

Then came the widow of one of the victims, who committed suicide. "I do not expect any justice from this government, so i want to kill myself and i want blood for blood" were her words as she breathed her last after speaking to camera crew of news channels. Everyone heard washington saying “holy shit, its not getting any better”. While the relatives of victims vowed to fight the legal battle against Raymond, and also accused Washington of offering money and permanent visas for USA if they pardoned Raymond. Victim’s family refused and demanded justice.

Not only the senator John Kerry came to pakistan and met with upper echelons, but also the US president Barrack Obama spoke about Raymond Davis, claiming that since he is a diplomat, he enjoys immunity from being tried in the foreign soil. Not to mention this statement of Obama went down the drain within US media as an open lie uttered by the president who is known for calculating the merit of his words brutally.

Anyway all this time, Raymond davis not only secured a highly skeptical place among all Pakistanis but also a constant slot on all daily newspapers and bulletins. He liked Naswar, he is with CIA, he came here with a business visa, he went into several madrassas of karachi pretending to be a convert, he made calls to waziristan and also that he spent the night of Valentine’s day with an unknown lady in jail cell, and What not.?? More serious of these daily Raymond doses carried a very illusive image of an espionage agent, who had not only active contacts in tribal areas, but also a photographic interest in sensitive sites relating to Pakistani Armed forces. Not to mention all the spy gadgetry he was arrested with, in the first place.

Then international newspapers not only produced his relation with CIA, actually his entire career as an American soldier, turned agent for mercenary army became clear. Safely he was termed as a private security agent whose job is to provide CIA officials cover. By Now his affiliations in past with Black water and XE services were also made public.

That’s briefly is the gist of information that any laymen in Pakistan following rough news through paper and people knew about this gentleman.

To my surprise, the usually dumbfounded prime minister of our country who roughly three weeks ago said in a statement that Raymond Davis could/should be pardoned in the light of Shariah Law, upon which in my morning radio show, I cracked a joke, that “Gilani Sahab has taken a secret oath with Mullah Omer and is planning to impose shariah Law throughout the country”. Little did any one in the country know that somehow the seeds were sown to ensure the family of the victims who vowed to bring justice would take that option. I am not against Islamic laws, how could I be? In reality I just can’t wait till me and mariam recieve lashes publically, or for that matter, almost all of our MPAs and MNAs lose a hand or two.

After settlement through blood money Raymond Davis has now Left the country, and one thing he surely is in love with, is Islamic Shariah Laws. I wont be surprised if he goes back, converts to Islam and emerges as Rehman Davis or AbdurRehman Davis, I wonder when the geese and baboons of our Politics would convert to Islam J.

Actually on a more serious note:

I have one(A) question for people of Pakistan and one(B) for the pigs incharge.

His only crime was the assasination of two individuals? If so, then excuse me, since when we as a nation have started to give a flying duck about bringing justice to the killers?

B. What about the revelations during the interrogations? Was he not a threat to the state, busy in espionage? He worked for Black water, XE? His interest in Pakistani Forces installation and Waziristan?

For more than 24 hours, News Channels have been buzzing with the exact amount of Blood money given to each member of victim’s family.

I WOULD LIKE TO ASK THE establishment (both; Politcal and Forces) “How much exactly did you RECEIVE for letting this threat walk away, Bitch!”

Wednesday, March 2, 2011