Thursday, June 10, 2010


For 33 years out of 63, Pakistan has been ruled by its military. Sometimes the democratically elected governments were sacked for corruption, faced midterm election, or simply run down by army boots. It is safe to say that both; the democracies and the military rule had their fair share of power in Pakistan.

Even though i was born and brought up outside Pakistan, still my family ties with farm life are intact. My cousins tell me about benefits of breeding their cows with those which are direct descendants of imported dutch cattle. Babies born as a result, grow up to yield more milk. In similar way people breed dogs, goats and other animals to produce better species.

News Item:
Despite facing accusations and ongoing trial for possible involvement in Benazir's death, All Pakistan Muslim League (APML), was formally launched by General (r) Pervez Musharraf, in Sindh on Tuesday.

Bashing general musharraf's policy during his rule I personally climbed the ladder of my career becoming a radio satirist by writing black humor. I liked him for his sense of moderation and his progressive approach. He would never bury his head in a blanket, no matter how stupid they said his actions and moves were. But then other setbacks were fatally irreversible, which i would force myself to not to write down here. Thats between me and the listeners of the sunset radio show (for the moment).

Now after seeing the retired general trying to make his way back into the corridors of power, through democratic process i am left counting the benefits of hybrid breeding. A military dictator, following democratic pathways to impact Pakistani politics, while sitting outside the country; not bad! When democracy in Pakistan means, giving the same old individuals second and third chances, why not re-write history and see what happens when a military dictator makes a come back. I know its experimental. Much like hybrid breeding, where results are mostly unpredictable.

"What can possibly go wrong?" i ask myself...

Height of a mishap could be having ourselves a mutant species resulting from interbreeding of democracy and autocracy. A killing machine, who is ready to shoot down all sort of opposition and still calls himself; a people's man.

And if the luck is on our side, we might have a gentlemen who has learnt from his mistakes (not only that short list which this ass reluctantly produces at his lectures). He might return as a man who takes the country out from the curse of political opposition and translates people's dreams (not any hidden agenda) into a vigorous persuasion.

Meantime my cousins keep telling me that interbreeding is a natural process, and you can't do much about structural abnormalities :)

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